390,000 Children Treated with the Ponseti Method since 2007 

Updated figures show remarkable progress in clubfoot care across the world.

Since 2007, Global Clubfoot Initiative (GCI) has been committed to transforming the lives of children born with clubfoot through the Ponseti method.

Today, we are proud to announce a significant milestone:

GCI's member network has contributed to the treatment of 390,000 children born with clubfoot worldwide.

When we launched our RunFree2030 strategy on World Clubfoot Day 2024, we reported GCI's member network had contributed to the treatment of over 350,000 children born with clubfoot. Since then, the results of our global clubfoot data collection from 2023 have revealed this tremendous leap forward — Thanks to the dedication of our partners around the world, a further 40,000 children have been treated since 2021.

The Ponseti Method: A Life-Changing Approach
The Ponseti method, involving gentle manipulation and casting, followed by a simple outpatient procedure and bracing, is simple to administer, minimally invasive and has proven to be highly effective. It offers children the opportunity to walk, play, run, and lead active lives, free from the limitations imposed by untreated clubfoot.

200,000 babies are born globally with clubfoot each year, of which approximately 90% are in low- and middle- income countries where access to quality care and the Ponseti method is limited (currently only 20% of children born with clubfoot have access to timely, high quality and effective treatment). This has left over two million children living with a significant and preventable disability caused by untreated clubfoot. 

RunFree2030: A Vision for the Future
RunFree2030 is a global movement to treat clubfoot worldwide by 2030. Launched on World Clubfoot Day, this ambitious plan focuses on increasing access to treatment, raising awareness, and fostering collaborations among healthcare providers, governments, and communities.

Together with our network of 60 member NGOs in over 70 countries, we are making a difference in the lives of children and their families around the world.
Join the RunFree2030 movement. Learn how you can get involved here.


Expanding Clubfoot Care in DRC: A Collaborative Initiative to Treat 250 Infants and Build Sustainable Solutions


RunFree2030 - Watch the Online Launch