Our vision is a world where every child born with clubfoot can walk, play, and run free.

See how you can join the movement.


The average cost to treat child is less than $470USD. This includes treatment, programmes, systems strengthening and global coordination – the four core components of the RunFree2030 ACCESS model.

Your donation will be used to support RunFree2030 so that all children born with clubfoot can walk, play and run free.

How is clubfoot investment spent?

The total cost per child includes more than just their individual treatment - it also includes the investment we need to make Ponseti treatment available at scale, across the world.

Join GCI

Global Clubfoot Initiative (GCI) is a network of 60+ members working in over 70 countries towards our RunFree2030 vision of a world where every child born with clubfoot can walk, play and run free!  As an umbrella organisation, GCI enables those working towards our shared vision to achieve greater impact through advocacy, collaboration, and training.

Be part of our global network changing the lives of children born with clubfoot.

Spread the Word

Help us raise the profile of clubfoot. Share our campaign on social media, host fundraising events in your community, or simply tell your friends and family about the cause. By spreading the word, you help us reach more people and make a greater impact.

Advocate for Change:

Wherever you’re based, we can help you or your organisation to advocate for better clubfoot service delivery in your country.

Email katherine.jardine@globalclubfoot.org to find out what you can do to help integrate clubfoot care into your national health system.

Corporate Partnerships:

We have a growing corporate partnership programme and we’d love to work with your business.

Email robert.brown@globalclubfoot.org to learn about how we can work together. We know we can create meaningful change that benefits both your organisation and the children we serve.