Global Clubfoot Initiative Launches RunFree2030: A Global Movement to Treat Clubfoot Worldwide

To mark World Clubfoot Day 2024, Global Clubfoot Initiative is proud to announce the launch of RunFree2030, a bold global movement to treat clubfoot worldwide. 

Clubfoot is one of the most common congenital deformities, affecting approximately 1 in every 800 children worldwide. If untreated, clubfoot can lead to lifelong disability, affecting mobility, quality of life, and access to education and employment. However, thanks to the cost effective and minimally invasive Ponseti treatment method, most cases of clubfoot can be completely corrected, allowing children to walk, play and run free.

“With RunFree2030, our vision is clear: a world where every child born with clubfoot walk, play, run, and live life to its fullest potential,” said Rosalind Owen, Chief Executive of Global Clubfoot Initiative. “We have a proven model of scalable clubfoot care, and we know how to end the lifelong impairment caused by clubfoot. This strategy lays out exactly how to make this happen, and it’s a call to action for everyone to help us make it a reailty.”

Key Objectives of RunFree2030:

  • Accessibility: All Lower- and Middle-Income Countries within the RunFree2030 strategy have national clubfoot programmes with comprehensive clubfoot care available to all babies by 2030.

  • Quality care: High-quality clubfoot treatment is provided in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries, in strict adherence to the Ponseti method.

  • Integration: Clubfoot programmes are integrated within existing national health systems for long-term sustainability.

Upcoming Events:

RunFree2030 will launch on World Clubfoot Day, June 3rd, 2024, and commence a series of events and activities:

  • Strategy release: The new RunFree2030 document will be released on June 3rd, laying out the four steps to eradicating clubfoot disability by 2030.

  • Launch webinar: Discover the strategy and how you can get involved at our webinar on June 3rd.

  • Rebrand: Global Clubfoot Initiative will launch the new RunFree2030 brand identity, including a new website and film, along with 2023 global clubfoot data and resources for members.

  • Facebook chat: Join @GlobalClubfootInitiative for an online Q&A on Facebook on June 4th as we discuss the strategy and how everyone can play a part. 

  • Chelsea Football Club family day: On Saturday June 8th Chelsea FC will host an annual clubfoot family day, with fun football games for families affected by clubfoot. 

For more information about RunFree2030 or to join the movement, please visit or contact Robert Brown at

About Global Clubfoot Initiative:

Global Clubfoot Initiative is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to treating clubfoot worldwide. The charity is an umbrella group consisting of over 60 international NGOs working in clubfoot care across the world. Focusing on 103 Lower- and Middle-Income Countries and delivering training to clinicians in the UK and other High-Income settings, the charity collaborates with healthcare providers, local communities, and international partners to ensure that children born with clubfoot receive the treatment they need to live active, healthy lives.

Join us in making a difference:

Your support can change lives. Visit to make a contribution towards a world free from clubfoot disability. Follow @globalclubfoot to stay updated on our progress and events.

Together, we can help children around the world Run Free by 2030.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Robert Brown


RunFree2030 - Watch the Online Launch


GCI Clubfoot Training is coming to Australia