GCI Highlights from 2023

As 2023 draws to an end, we are delighted to share the highlights of a year filled with growth and accomplishments. From the Manchester International Clubfoot Conference to the exciting plans for RunFree2030, 2023 has proven to be yet another remarkable year for the clubfoot community and the GCI network. Looking ahead to 2024, we cannot wait to share our plans for the refreshed RunFree2030 campaign with you. Read on to learn more. Stay tuned for updates and join us on our mission to ensure that all children born with clubfoot can walk, play and run free. Wishing you a very happy 2024 filled with joy, happiness and exciting possibilities in the New Year! Best wishes, The GCI Team GCI in 2023

Clubfoot Training In 2023, our schedule brimmed with clubfoot treatment training courses. Spanning the breadth of the UK from Bristol to Birmingham, Manchester to Aberdeen, we delivered Level 1, Level 2 and Train the Trainer clubfoot treatment courses. Our training spanned the globe too, encompassing international destinations such as the Netherlands, Pakistan and Ethiopia, among others. As the year concludes, 2024 promises even more expansive and impactful global training initiatives. This year, we trained over 180 clinicians, ensuring further advancements of clubfoot care worldwide.

Manchester International Clubfoot Conference A big highlight of 2023 was the immensely successful Manchester International Clubfoot Conference. This global gathering brought together experts, professionals and enthusiasts to delve into the latest advancements in clubfoot treatment. The event exceeded expectations with insightful discussions, cutting-edge research presentations and valuable networking opportunities. As we wrap up the year, we are already starting discussions on plans for the next conference in 2025! Read a full report on the conference here.

Global Data Collection We completed our latest global clubfoot data collection – with the highest response rate yet! The results and insights from this data collection together with examples from our colleagues in Tanzania and Rwanda about innovative approaches to expanding clubfoot treatment coverage were presented in our recent webinar. Watch the webinar here (https://vimeo.com/887200193?share=copy) (password: Data2021).

The GCI network grows! Our GCI network continues to thrive and expand. Beginning the year with 40 members, we are delighted to have welcomed an impressive 13 new members to our network so far this year. We eagerly anticipate the addition of even more members soon in the new year! A huge thank you to our growing network - we look forward to the collaborations and achievements that lie ahead.

GCI Team As our GCI network flourishes, it's not only our membership that is expanding but also our dedicated GCI team. We are thrilled to welcome Robbie Brown and Jen Everhart to our team this year, bringing fresh perspectives and expertise to further enhance our initiatives. We also bid farewell to Vanessa Tarling, who has been an integral part of GCI's endeavours. We are excited about the continued growth and impact our team will bring to the global clubfoot community.

World Clubfoot Day 2023 On 3 June, World Clubfoot Day resonated globally. Embracing a fresh World Clubfoot Day logo, the clubfoot community marked the occasion with a whole host of celebrations and activities, creating a buzz to elevate clubfoot awareness. Chelsea FC, in collaboration with GCI and Steps Worldwide, held an unforgettable day filled with families, fun and football. For updates on our 2024 World Clubfoot Day events, stay tuned to our social media channels and newsletters.

Delayed Presenting Clubfoot Training With a great step forward in advancing clubfoot care, GCI in collaboration with Cure Ethiopia, was awarded a grant from a generous anonymous donor to implement the Delayed Presenting Clubfoot (DPC) Training Project. This joint venture, spanning from July 2023 to July 2025, addresses the urgent need to standardise and institutionalise the treatment of clubfoot in walking-age children through clinical training across Africa. The project aims to train up to 56 healthcare workers from 15 different countries, improve the quality of clinical treatment and build training capacity in sub-Saharan Africa. Read more about the project here . As we conclude 2023, the inaugural training sessions in Ethiopia are underway!

RunFree 2030

Six years into our RunFree2030 initiative and with the Covid-19 emergency behind us, this year we have been undertaking a comprehensive refresh of our RunFree2030 strategy. Aimed at ensuring a clear trajectory towards our vision of a world where every child born with clubfoot can walk, play and run free, the refreshed RunFree2030 strategy will set out a clear roadmap of commitments and actions for the next phase of the initiative to 2030. We are excited about what 2024 will bring - stay tuned as we unveil more details and launch the RunFree2030 campaign, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to transforming the lives of children born with clubfoot.


World Clubfoot Day at Chelsea FC


Webinar Recording - Clubfoot: The Global Picture in 2021 Data