A global movement to treat clubfoot worldwide


A world where every child born with clubfoot can walk, play, and run free.


All children born with clubfoot will have access to timely, high quality and effective care.

Discover our global strategy here.

Our Purpose

Babies born with clubfoot every year


are born in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries


do not receive the correct treatment


Our Mission

RunFree2030 is our strategy to scale up access to clubfoot treatment worldwide, ensuring that every child born with clubfoot has the opportunity to walk, play and run free.

The Problem

Expand geographical reach
while deepening coverage

Raise profile of clubfoot as
public health priority

Enhance quality of
service provision

Integrate within existing
health systems


Clinics open and counting


Children started treatment


Cost to treat one child


Treatment coverage in 2023


  • No evidence of Ponseti

  • Evidence of Ponseti (reported)

  • Evidence of Ponseti (unreported)

  • High income country, or less than 50 expected annual cases

Progress to date

Hover over map to explore:

Our Approach

Child at the Heart

At every step, we aspire to keep the child with clubfoot and their families at the heart of our decision making with special consideration to their social, emotional, and financial well-being— from birth to successful completion of the treatment journey.

Comprehensive Services

From awareness raising to treatment resources, our proven model offers a holistic approach to clubfoot treatment, emphasizing accessibility, sustainability and quality of care. 

Global Collaboration

Through collaboration and equitable partnerships we strive to rapidly expand clubfoot treatment services and integrate them within health systems.

Discover how you can get involved here.

Meet Amir* from Bangladesh

Amir was born in Bangladesh with bilateral clubfoot. He was treated as a baby using the Ponseti Method. Amir now walks to school each day with his friends and is unaffected by the bullying and exclusion that so often accompanies children with untreated clubfoot.

Read more clubfoot stories here.

Support RunFree2030!

Join our global movement. Together we can make sure that every child born with clubfoot has the opportunity to walk, play and run free.

Ready to join us? Click here to find out how you can contribute to RunFree2030. Together, we can make RunFree2030 a reality.

Who’s involved?

A network of NGOs dedicated to scaling clubfoot care worldwide