Walk, play and run free

A world where every child born with clubfoot can walk, play, and run free.
All children born with clubfoot will be able to access high quality and effective care.
Discover our global strategy to end clubfoot disability here here.
Our Purpose
Babies born with clubfoot every year.
are born in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries
do not receive the correct treatment
Our Mission
RunFree2030 seeks to ensure that no child born with clubfoot is denied the life-changing treatment they deserve.
Our Mission
RunFree2030, launched by the Global Clubfoot Initiative (GCI), is a global strategy to end clubfoot disability. In low and middle-income countries (LMIC), nearly 200,000 babies are born with clubfoot each year. Yet, less than 1 in 5 of these babies will access the life-changing treatment that would enable their full participation in life. It's our mission to change this narrative.
Understand our strategic plan and see the RunFree2030 timeline from 2017 to 2030 and beyond here [insert link to “What is RunFree2030” here]
Our Purpose
Clubfoot, a common musculoskeletal birth defect, is entirely preventable and treatable. However, many children in LMIC are unable to access clubfoot treatment. Left untreated, clubfoot leads to pain, difficulty walking, stigma, and exclusion from educational, social, and economic opportunities.
RunFree2030 seeks to address this injustice and ensure that no child is denied the life-changing treatment they deserve.
Clinics open and counting
Clinicians trained
Cost to treat one child
Children treated
Our Progress to date

Our Approach
Child at the Heart:
At every step, we aspire to keep the child with clubfoot and their families at the heart of our decision making and to keep their needs and experiences at the forefront.
Comprehensive Services:
From awareness raising to treatment resources, our proven model offers a holistic approach to clubfoot treatment and advocacy.
Global Collaboration:
Through partnerships and collaboration we strive for rapid expansion of clubfoot treatment services and integration into health services.
Discover our network's commitment to RunFree2030 here.

A clubfoot journey of courage and triumph.
From battling social stigma to travelling for hours to get treatment, [name] and his family faced many challenges on his clubfoot journey. Explore [name]’s courageous story. Click here to witness the hurdles that [name] overcame and his remarkable journey to walk, play and run free.

Support RunFree2030!
We invite you to be a part of the solution. Join our global strategy and let's end clubfoot disability together.
Ready to join us? Click here to find out how you can contribute to RunFree2030. Together, we can make RunFree2030 a reality.
Expand Geographical Reach
Help us reach more children by expanding our services globally.
Raise Clubfoot Awareness
Elevate clubfoot as a public health priority.
Focus on Quality Service
Ensure every child receives high-quality clubfoot treatment.
Integrate within Health Systems
Make clubfoot services an integral part of existing health systems.