Advancing Clubfoot Treatment Worldwide

Our message is urgent, important and hopeful.

Less than
1 in 5 children

… born with clubfoot in low and middle income countries (LMICs) today receive treatment. Those who don’t access treatment face a lifetime severely affected by clubfoot. Together, we can change this.

Join the global movement

… to make treatment possible for all children born with clubfoot so they can run free! #RunFree2030

Clubfoot can be treated and the impact is life-changing!

Low-cost, minimally invasive treatment can be provided anywhere in the world.

We work towards the end of disability caused by clubfoot through ACT...

A for Advocacy

Clubfoot can be treated and every child has a right to treatment. Let’s spread the word and make this message as powerful as possible!

C for Collaboration

We are a network of 40+ organisation on 60+ countries treating more than 30,000 children each year.

By working together and pooling our resources, skills, knowledge and tools, we can help more children access life-changing treatment and reach their full potential.

T for Training

How can we get more people treated? Train more clinicians to provide high quality treatment, work as a team and support families. Our training is used all over the world!

Keep their growing minds engaged